• 8345 3000
Couriers · Taxi Trucks · Warehousing
The more information that is provided at the time of booking, the more effective the delivery will be. If you make your booking by phone, you are likely to be prompted for this information but if you book via the internet, please take the time to provide as much information as possible.


Ensure goods or items are packaged accordingly in relation to fragility, sensitivity or value. Our drivers will do the their best to reduce the risk of damage but the condition of roads can be unforgiving.  All van drivers carry moving blanket to help alleviate the risk of damage to items.


Please advise of any time parameters at the time of booking if known. If a business, closing or receiving cut-off times is important, as are any or receiving closures during the day. If a residential destination then provide times of people’s attendance if required, or provide authority to leave (ATL). Bookings should be made with enough lead time to accommodate any timelines.

Pick Up and Drop off

Accurate address details are paramount, in particular the type of street or road (street, road, court, crescent, drive, highway etc).

Details of any physical obstacles are very useful so we can make provisions. Rough terrain, lack of stairs on a multi-storey building, access or parking restrictions for vehicles, building accessibility for drivers.


If one or more of the above points have the potential to, or pose a risk to the safety of a driver we need to know so as not to put our drivers in harm’s way or in an uncompromising position. Safe manual handling practices are crucial to the well-being of our drivers. We implore them not to undertake any activity they are not comfortable in performing and they will be supported by Redback Express and its clients to employ workplace ‘best practice’ in all situations.